Wendy Noreña is a Colombian-American student, poet, performer, science fanatic and regular teenager. She was born in Medellin, Colombia and lived there until the age of three before moving with her parents to Atlanta, Georgia. She attends school at the Westminster Schools of Atlanta where she participates on the Student Diversity Leadership council and the Community Service Committee. She has spent the past year in France as a high school junior learning about French-European society and culture while enjoying the delicious pastries, taking advantage of the many travel opportunities France has to offer, and exploring environmental studies.
In her free time Wendy enjoys making art (in any medium), writing poetry and researching the various facets of the scientific world, as well as sharing animated conversation with fellow travelers and collaborating on community-impacting projects. This is her first time being published, but she hopes to continue writing and sharing her love of the power of words with young people.