My name is Scott Harvey and I am originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee. I am currently a freshman at Furman University in Greenville, SC, majoring in political science, with a focus on pre-law. Reading and writing take up some of my free time, but I am also a semi-fanatical member of Furman’s nationally ranked mock trial team. I also work with Furman’s radio station, WPLS.
My main hobby is movies. My love for movies may be totally irrational and overzealous, but I would be a liar if I denied it. I write reviews of new releases for my blog on Tumblr. My love for movies and TV is actually one of the reasons I started to write in my free time. While I have great admiration for classic authors like Faulkner, Dickens, and Dumas, my major inspiration as a writer is the playwright and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, the man behind A Few Good Men, The Social Network, The West Wing, and The Newsroom. Mr. Sorkin’s writing has always thrilled me with its wit and idealism, a quality that I try to imitate in my writing.
My main goal when writing is not just to entertain but to provoke thought and induce the kind of excitement that I feel when watching a great movie or reading a great book, that unmistakable feeling of never wanting to forget how you felt when you first saw or read it. And that’s the primary reason I write. It’s fun, for sure, but if my writing can create those kinds of emotions for even one person, then I feel very accomplished indeed.