Often when Raven Sisco introduces herself, she hears: “Like the poem by Edgar Allen Poe?” Thus, she has naturally connected herself with verse since childhood. Now, with six years of intensive poetics behind her, she has received publication nationwide and won several prestigious awards for her poetry.
Her work has appeared in literary magazines and anthologies from coast to coast, including the states of Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, New York, Utah, and, of course, her home state of California. She reached the status of international poet in 2012 through her publication in Melbourne, Australia’s distinguished poetry magazine Rabbit. Among her various awards she is proudest of two Senator James Phelan Awards for Metrical Verse, Second Place in the Virginia de Araujo/Academy of American Poets Competition, and several California Federation of Chaparral Poets Awards, the oldest and largest poetry organization in the state.
Raven currently attends San Jose State University with a major in English and a minor in Humanities, for which she recently received a major scholarship, and has been appointed by her professors as President of the Poets and Writers Coalition at the University. She continues to publish as she finishes college and seeks a graduate degree in English, as well as a teaching credential in the language about which she has such passion.