Open call for it’s graphic! {shorts}

By August 24, 2013Latest News

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Open call for the

it’s graphic! {shorts} anthology

Empowering young writers to say,
“I am my scholarship!”

See your work in print!

Become a published writer!

Earn royalties that can help
you pay for college!

In pursuit of its mission to showcase the talent of emerging writers and illustrators, VerbalEyze Press is publishing a new edition of the it’s graphic! {shorts} anthology.

We are accepting submission from writers and illustrators between the ages of 13 to 22 in any of the following genres:

comic, manga, graphic short story
graphic novella, graphic novel excerpt.

Please submit your manuscript(s) in doubled-spaced, 12-point, seriffed font (Times New Roman is preferred). All graphics should be grayscale or black and white. Please include a cover sheet with your name, age, current or most recent school/college attended, mailing address, and the title and genre of each manuscript. If you are submitting multiple manuscripts, include the cover sheet on only one manuscript.

Send your manuscript(s) to with “it’s graphic {shorts} Submission” in the subject line.

This is a standing open call.